Design, build, and submit your new iOS and Android apps.
Create a Google Play Developer AccountHow to create a Google Play Developer account to submit your Android app.
Add as a User to Your Google Play Developer AccountGrant access in your Google Play account so can build your Android app.
How to Get Your Google Play JSON KeyGenerate your Google Play JSON within the Google Play Developer Console.
Finding Your Apple Developer Team IDLocate your Apple Developer Team ID to authenticate your enrolment.
Create an Apple Developer AccountEnrol in the Apple Developer program to submit your iOS app.
Google Developer Account - Android App TestersIf you have a personal Google Developer Account, you will be required to have testers for your Android app.
Completing Your Station SettingsUpload your logo, change your station name, pick your theme colour, add licensing, and your station’s contact and social media details.
Creating Your App Privacy PolicySecure your apps and adhere to Europe's privacy laws.
App Builder - DesignChange the theme, accent colour, and overall style of your apps.
App Builder - ContentAdd your news feed and podcast, along with enabling specific features like showing your schedule and track requests.
App Builder - App InfoChoose your apps categories, add keywords, description, and subtitle.
App Builder - Build & PublishProvide your developer accounts, ready for submission.
Setting up Firebase for App Push NotificationsGet push notifications ready for your app(s) by setting up Firebase, your hub for managing your mobile messaging for Android and iOS.
Creating App Push NotificationsWant to notify listeners of upcoming events? Learn how to send notifications from your mobile apps using Firebase.
Setting up App CampaignsGrab attention using app campaigns, a way to put your message front and centre so listeners never miss a beat.
Do I need my own developer accounts?Enrol as iOS and Android developers so apps are under your name.
What's a privacy policy?Protect yourself and station by abiding to security laws.
Do I need licensing?App stores need licensing to cover themselves and you.
Will apps be under my station name?Apps are branded to your radio station.
How long until my apps are live?Wait times vary, but the team will have a better timeframe.
Can I change apps once live?Minor last minute tweaks are fine, big ones need redevelopment.
Which languages are supported on my mobile apps?English, Spanish, French, and many more languages are supported via the apps.