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Declined Payment

Fix payment failures so there are no disruptions to your service.

Jamie Ashbrook avatar
Written by Jamie Ashbrook
Updated over a week ago

You may have received a declined payment email or notification.

Payment failed.

Contact Your Payment Provider

Payments usually don't go through for one of two reasons:

  1. Card has expired.

  2. Not enough funds in the account.

  3. The payment provider didn't authorise the transaction.

In most cases, the lack of authorisation is to blame. Either due to security reasons or another factor stopping payment processing. In which case, contact your payment provider and authorise as a safe business/seller.

Retry Payment

After your payment provider has confirmed authorisation, retry payment.

In Studio > Settings > Billing, select the retry payment option.

Retry payment.

If payment fails again, then try a new payment method to keep your services active.

Update Your Payment Method

Either choose to update your payment from the notification in your dashboard.

Updating payment method.

Or in your billing area. Choose either card or PayPal.

Another way to pay.

Once your payment method has been updated, retry payment. But for a walkthrough of how to update your billing details, refer to or hands-on guide.

For everything else, contact the support team at

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