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Schedule a Live Event

Manage live shows along with automated playlists, all from one place.

Jamie Ashbrook avatar
Written by Jamie Ashbrook
Updated over a week ago

Note: You can only go live when the Live event starts. If you try to connect to the system before the start time, your broadcast software will show an error. 

Creating a live DJ event.

Users with the following access level can schedule live and automated events:

  • Owner

  • Station Manager

  • Music Controller

How to Schedule Events

To schedule a live event, go to the Schedule tab within the dashboard.

Note: The schedule is presented in a weekly calendar view showing the current week by default. You can advance the weeks using the buttons at the top if you wish to schedule a one-off live event in the future.

Settings for a live DJ event.
  • Click and drag on the calendar at the point you wish to schedule the event.

  • A popup will appear. Confirm the start/end times are correct

  • Select a playlist from the drop-down. (This playlist is used for backup purposes and will air in the event the DJ is unable to connect, or does not show up for their slot)

  • Select a Live DJ

  • If you are scheduling a repeating show, select the days you want the event to repeat on. This will add them on the selected days every week indefinitely on the calendar.

  • Review the summary then click Update.

A schedule live event.

The Live event is now scheduled. When the DJ logs into they will be presented with the Live DJ bar within 1 hour of their slot beginning. This includes all the connection information for their chosen broadcast software. Please refer to our Software guides in this support category for setup instructions.

Creating 24/7 Events does not allow full live broadcasting by default. If you wish to use in this way there are two methods to do this:

Method 1: Live Anytime

Live Anytime allows the Station Owner to connect to their radio station at any time without having to schedule an event. To learn more about this, click here.

Method 2: Schedule Events

Schedule your calendar as follows:

  • Ensure your schedule is clear.

  • Click on Monday at 12:00am so the popup appears

  • Set the start time to 25th Jan 12:00am

  • Set the end time to 26th Jan 12:00am

  • Set the live DJ

  • Click 'ALL' under repeat options so all days are highlighted.

  • Click 'Update'

This will allow 24/7 access to for one DJ user. If they are disconnected, the system will fall back to your default playlist.

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