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Mixxx is a free open-source piece of DJ software for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

Amber Macdonald avatar
Written by Amber Macdonald
Updated over a week ago

The following guide is outdated, but kept for reference only. For help with Mixxx, please contact the developer.

Before you can broadcast live, schedule a live event within your station calendar. Please see this guide for more information.

What is Mixxx?

Mixxx is a free open-source piece of DJ software for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

Use it to manage media, beat sync with 4 decks, input multiple microphones and other devices, and map broadcasting decks with MIDI controllers.

Mixxx media and playout software.

What You Need

Setup Guide

Install Mixxx and the LAME MP3 encoder.

Add your microphone in Mixxx -> Preferences -> Sound Hardware, select Input and choose the microphone or microphones you want to add to Mixxx.

Mixxx preferences.

In Mixxx -> Preferences -> Live Broadcasting, enter your radio station’s details in the Server Connection area:

  • Type: SHOUTcast 1

  • Mount: (Leave blank)

  • Host: E.g.

  • Port: E.g. 1234

  • Login: (Leave blank)

  • Password: E.g. 1a2b3c4d5e6f

Stream Settings

  • Stream Name: My Online Radio Show

  • Description: My radio station plays nothing but the best indie tracks

  • Genre: Indie


  • Bitrate: 128kbps (recommended) or 192kbps (faster connection)

  • Format: MP3

  • Channels: Stereo

SHOUTcast Metadata Format

  • $artist – $title

Leave Custom Metadata as is, then apply the changes.

Live broadcasting details in Mixxx.

Broadcast Live

Play music or have you microphone switched on within the Mixxx dashboard, then go to Options -> Enable Live Broadcasting. A notification appears to confirm your connection.

In your Dashboard, the Connection Status will change to DJ On Air and track artist and title should also update.

Broadcasting live from Mixxx online to

NOTE: You can only go live when the live event starts. If you try to connect to the system before the start time, your broadcast software will show an error. dashboard showing live DJ broadcasting.
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