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A brief overview of all your station's core settings.

James Mulvany avatar
Written by James Mulvany
Updated over a week ago

Customise your station with a full toolset of settings. From listener management to third-party integrations, go behind the scenes to tweak shows the way you want.



Name: This is to identify the station within It will also be included in any players such as iTunes or VLC.

Logo: This is used as the default image on our web players if your track artwork is not available. It is also shown on the dashboard. The image should be 500x500px PNG.

About your station

This information is used for future directory integration and is self-explanatory.

Timezone: This is the primary time zone of your station. This should be set to the time zone your station is primarily located. Changing this setting will affect the schedule.

Profile settings.


Default Crossfade

You can adjust the crossfade between tracks. If you have manually set cue and fade points using 'Track Editor' this value will not apply. 

Note: If you have a top of hour playlist scheduled, your station will cut to the new show on the hour. This setting does not affect the transition between a Live Broadcast and automated tracks.

Click Save to update this field. This does not require a reload and will be effective from the next played track.

Live Anytime

The station owner user can connect and broadcast live via without needing to schedule a live event.

Audio Stream Quality

Sound Quality: Default is 128Kbps and is suitable for most applications. If your listeners are in an area with poor connectivity you may wish to lower this to 64Kbps or 96Kbps.

For the best quality stream set this to 192Kbps.

Note: A higher bitrate will consume your plan's bandwidth faster. 

Output Format: Default is MP3 as this is widely compatible across devices. AAC is supported and sounds better at lower bitrates, however, it may not be compatible with Web Players in certain browsers.

Mobile Streaming: This enables a second lower quality 16-64Kbps AAC stream which is suitable for Mobile devices accessing from a cellular connection. If you use the included Web player and set it's stream to Adaptive the mobile stream will be used on mobile phones and tablets.

Click Save to update these settings. Be mindful that any changes here require a station reload which will kick all your listeners. These settings should not be adjusted during peak shows.

Broadcast settings.


Geo Protection

This feature allows you to restrict stream access to specific territories.

If you only wish to block access to a select few territories select Block then add them to the countries list. However, if you just want to give access to a few territories then select Allow and add them.

Ripper Protection

This is useful if you want to prevent listeners recording your stream which will ultimately waste precious bandwidth. We have added some known stream ripping applications to the list already.

If you want to add a stream ripper to the list simply type the name in the box.
Note: If you accidentally add an application (e.g. iTunes) this will instantly block all iTunes connections. You will need to remove this from the list and re-save to re-enable access. 

Ban List

This shows all the IP's you have currently banned from the system. It is off by default if no IP's have been banned.

You can manually add an IP to the ban list by toggling the option On, then typing the IP address in the box provided.

Security settings.


FTP Details

You can find your FTP details on this page. If you have provided your FTP details to someone else and no longer want them to have access, you can change the FTP password by clicking Generate.

Note: We suggest saving your FTP details in your software. 

Advanced settings.


Turn requests on or off and edit your request policy. 

Separation Rules

Prevent certain artists or albums from playing for a defined time.
Note: Incorrect settings here may cause your station to fall silent. Please ensure your tracks are tagged and named correctly before using this feature. 


You can add your TuneIn API information, Connect Mixcloud, connect Mixcloud, or from this page. Please refer to specific guides in the Support Centre for these services.

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