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Broadcasting Live

Put the human back into radio. Connect and broadcast for live shows.

James Mulvany avatar
Written by James Mulvany
Updated over a month ago

NOTE: You can connect live up to 5 minutes before the live event window opens. This allows your DJ to test their connection.

Choosing Your Broadcaster

First things first. A broadcaster is a program on your computer that lets you connect to your online radio station and broadcast live. There are several broadcasters to choose from like Mixxx and Virtual DJ.

But for Windows, we recommend Broadcaster; and for macOS use Audio Hijack. Both are simple, easy to use, and work seamlessly with Or if you're looking for something different, there are dozens to choose from.

Windows: Broadcaster

Hate technical hurdles? Us too. That's how the Broadcaster came about.

It's simple and easy to use. Connect and broadcast live in minutes without any technical mumbo-jumbo. Just sign-in to your account, connect to your station, and reach your listeners.

Once downloaded, login using your account details, then choose your station. There are a few options in terms of what you want to broadcast. Once sorted, connect and you'll be broadcasting live to your station.

For a full rundown of how to use the Broadcast, check out the help guide.

macOS: Audio Hijack

Well thought out broadcasters are hard to come by. But Audio Hijack has that in spades. Designed to make connecting and broadcasting to your station simple, it's easy to use and works seamlessly with

Audio Hijack works by using blocks. Drag and drop your media player and encoder, connect them together, and you're broadcasting online.

This digital audio workspace is designed with multiple blocks and connections in mind. For example, you can broadcast to your radio station, record your show, and listen through your headphones. There's also built-in effects you can sandwich between these blocks to adjust the EQ, balance, ducking, and much more.

For a full rundown of how to use Audio Hijack, check out the help guide.

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