The Broadcaster is no longer actively developed. So you may experience issues on newer Windows versions. We recommend the alternative BUTT. Broadcaster Explained Broadcaster is an easy-to-use piece of software for DJs to broadcast live from a Windows computer or laptop. Designed with simplicity in mind, the app makes logging into your station and broadcasting a breeze.
The app supports Windows 7 SP1, 8.1, and 10 (Anniversary Update onwards).
Note: We are currently preparing a new version with an updated security certificate. Downloads from June 30th 2022 of Version may show a security error. We advise to use B.U.T.T. instead of our broadcast tool until the new version is available.
Current Version: (Windows)
Improvements in the latest release: - Fixed an issue where the 'loading' screen would hang indefinitely. - Fixes a problem where metadata had no spaces
Initial Setup
Once you've installed Broadcaster, you'll need to start the application by double-clicking on it.
You'll then see the below screen, where you need to click on the 'Sign in using' button.
Once you click this, it will open up a webpage in your default browser. If you're not already signed in to, it will ask you to enter your log in details.
If you're already signed in, you'll skip the log in section and go straight to the authentication page. Here, you will be asked to authorise Broadcaster to connect with your account. Please click 'Allow'.
Once that's done, Broadcaster will ask you to select which station you want to broadcast live to. If you only have a single station with, just that one station will display. However if you have multiple stations, then you'll have to select which one you'd like to control.
Adjusting the Settings
Once you've signed in to broadcaster, you're ready to go live.
One thing to remember about broadcaster is that you've signed in with your account, so all your connection details are already saved. This means you don't need to start entering the host, port or password credentials like you would do with any other broadcasting client.
First thing you need to do in broadcaster is ensure all inputs are set correctly. The way to do this is to click on the 3 dots in the top right corner, and then select 'Settings'.
On the Settings page, you have the option to set the following:
Music audio input - Here you should select your speaker output or audio input, such as a mixer.
Microphone audio input - Here you should select the microphone device being used, i.e a USB microphone, internal microphone etc.
Audio ducking % when the microphone is being used - This is the % reduction in the volume of tracks playing when the DJ is using the microphone. We've set this to 10%, but this can be reduced in 10% increments from 100% (no volume reduction) to 0% (no track audio).
Broadcast quality - This should be set the same as the broadcast quality in
Track information updates - You can choose to manually input track information (in which case you'd enter it in the 'Track Information' field in the screenshot above), or from a text file, in which case you'd be given a drop down which will allow you to upload the .TXT file.
Once you're happy with the settings, click 'Save'.
Broadcasting Live
By default (unless you have Connect Automatically enabled), Broadcaster will display as 'Disconnected'. To go live, you just need to click 'Connect'.
It's worth noting that to go live, you would either need a Live DJ event scheduled in, or if you're the station owner, have Live Anytime enabled.
Once that's done, Broadcasting Live will display at the top of the page, and you'll be broadcasting live to your station. If you'd like to speak through your microphone, you just click the speaker symbol in the middle of the page. This will then duck the audio (if selected), and allow you to broadcast via the microphone.ย
Once you'd like to stop, you just click the speaker symbol again to cut the microphone audio.
And that's Broadcaster! If you have any questions, the technical support team are always happy to help. You can send us a message at
Side Notes
Broadcaster disconnects from live session - This could be due to the Live DJ event finishing in the schedule. The broadcaster will also disconnect if you're experiencing network issues, so please do ensure you have a stable network connection.