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Cross DJ

Map your mixer with Cross DJ MIDI support, mix tracks with 4 players, and tweak audio with advanced FX controls on either Windows or macOS.

James B avatar
Written by James B
Updated over a week ago

NOTE: This help guide was prepared by and is for reference only. We advise to check the developer’s help resources for more in depth support with their software.

Cross DJ offers comprehensive tools to manage all your audio before broadcasting out to your radio station. Tweak track waveforms, curate playlists, and generate precise transitions using advanced features like the 3-band equalizer.

Installing Cross DJ

Cross DJ offers a free version with limited features. For the full experience, choose the product that suits you and select the demo version for a free trial.

CrossDJ download page.

Once opened you'll be greeted with Cross DJ's main hub. Manage shows quickly and monitor all your audio from here.

Cross DJ hub with demo box info.

If you're on the demo version, a pop-up will confirm what limitations you'll come up against. However, everything you need to broadcast live is available to give you a sense if the software is a good fit.

Connecting Cross DJ to (Using BUTT)

Cross DJ does not allow you to connect directly to your station. Use an encoder like BUTT (platform neutral), Audio Hijack (macOS), or Rocket Broadcaster (Windows) to package up and ship your audio out. For simplicity, we're using BUTT.

In BUTT's audio settings, set the audio device to 'Default PCM device (default)' and channel mode is 'Mono' so all audio gets passed over from Cross DJ and out to your radio station.

BUTT's audio settings.

In Cross DJ, tweak the audio output so it uses 44100Hz with 521 samples.

Cross DJ preferences.

Once the settings in BUTT and Cross DJ are set to the following and you have followed the connecting to BUTT guide, you will see your station name under the server drop-down in BUTT settings. Make sure your station is selected, then hit the 'connect to server' play button highlighted in the screenshot below.

Broadcasting using Cross DJ, BUTT, and

When you see 'connection established' and the 'stream time' counter has begun, you're successfully broadcasting live to your station. In Cross DJ, start playing a track in 'Player 1'. BUTT will capture the audio and stream to your station.

Cross DJ Overview

An encoder like BUTT pushes all the audio from Cross DJ out to your radio station. But get to know the DJ software better, what you can do, and the many perks.

Add Tracks

Upload tracks through either drag and dropping into the 'Tracks' > 'All Music' on the left hand side menu or using the file explorer in the same side menu you can also add tracks to the library this way.

Adding tracks in Cross DJ.

Once they have been uploaded you will need them all to be analysed by in Cross DJ by selecting ‘ALL’ and hitting the analyse icon in the top bar. When done the track will be marked with a tick.

Analyse tracks in Cross DJ.

Prepare Playlists

To prepare tracks, select your tracksuit from the left-hand selection box and right-click to 'add to playlist'.

Add tracks to playlists in Cross DJ.

Play media in the decks by either dragging and dropping media into ‘Player A/B’ or right-click to load in ‘Player A/B’.

Play tracks in Cross DJ.

Cueing Tracks

Create smooth transitions from one track to another using the players. Select the 'CUE' button to start the next track in the preferred position, also making sure the headphone icon is activated below this.

Cueing tracks in Cross DJ.

Match both of the two tracks key at the top of the page and check the BPM in the top bar for the best transition possible, then hit ‘SYNC’.

Syncing tracks in Cross DJ.

But that's just scratching the service. For a detailed look at Cross DJ and what you can do, best getting stuck into the user manual.

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