Wix is a popular website builder that goes back to the early 2000's. Streamlined and easy to use, the builder offers countless templates so you can create a website quickly. Using a 'drag and drop' toolkit, Wix paves the way for anyone to setup an online store, blog, or just a single page without needing to touch a single line of code.
Wix is a paid solution, offering monthly subscriptions plans from £7.50 in the UK, or $16.50 in the US.
Need an alternative? Radio.co offers a website builder using Weebly.
Initial Setup
Before you get started, you need an active domain. This is essentially a domain name i.e. your website address like "example.com", which has been registered with a domain registrar.
You can have your domain registered through Wix, or use an independent domain registrar like NameCheap or GoDaddy. You'll need an active domain before you can proceed.
To begin, go to Wix and sign up to get started.
From the main Homepage, select “Create New Site” and follow through the relevant options.
Either complete or skip the optional information regarding your website & business (see examples below).
Next, select “Go to Dashboard”.
The dashboard will show you anything that is outstanding/incomplete. Go straight to “Design Site”: (Top right)
Skipping past the first 2 options (kind of website and name of business) will present you with the following: (this can be skipped)
Building Your Website
Skipping the above presents you with:
“Go to Dashboard” will take you to the dashboard view where you'll start to create your website.
“Begin with a template” will present you with multiple templates you can choose from:
You can also select Blank Templates across the top and start from a completely blank template:
Search function is included for a particular style/themed template. See example below:
Select option to either Edit or View:
Let AI write the site site content or close the window. (‘x’ towards the top right)
You can start to build your website as desired:
There's 2 options when building your website, Quick Edit, or edit via Manage Menu on the left-hand side.
Quick Edit - Editing Different Sections
Use the "Quick Edit" feature to quickly create/make changes to the Head section of the website.
Hovering over different sections will allow you to create/make changes to that particular section of the webpage.
Selecting Quick Edit on the relevant section, will open up a submenu on the right-hand side of the page, from where you can further create and amend different sections.
For example, Clicking into Quick Edit on the upper section of the webpage ( see below screenshot), then highlighting the strip area from the menu on the right will allow to add an image to the selected ‘strip’.
Edit via Manage Menu
Clicking on Manage Menu just underneath the Strip section (in the above screenshot), will allow you to add Tabs across the top which you can create as links to other webpages around your site: (explained further below in the 'Blank Template' section)
Blank Template
The Blank Template option will look like this.
Double-click into specific sections (in this example, site name) to create/edit the section further.
However, it’s similar in the way you can Quick Edit > Manage Menu:
When the menu on the left-hand side expands, you’ll find more options within each of the subheadings. When you add tabs at the top in the Horizontal Menu, you’ll see them appear here. Clicking on each section will allow you to work on that specific page.
Exploring the Builder
The Add Elements section within the menu on the left hand side will assist you with all the features mentioned in the list. For example, clicking on “Image” > “Upload & Import” > You can then Upload images or Import them from social/Google accounts.
Adding Images
Any images added will be shown within your “Site Files’ section, from where you can add the image to any section on your website. You can add more by clicking the “+Upload Media” icon towards the top left of the pop up box.
You can also search for images, illustrations and more provided by Wix by using the search bar towards the top:
Select the chosen image, click “Add to Page” towards bottom right of the page and you can then amend it as you wish for it to display on your web page. You can resize/position the image using the pointers/dots around the image. You can also use the tool bar across the top. (Circled in the below image)
Adding a Web Player
In the LISTEN section > Web Players or Embed Codes > You can find different ways of presenting a player and the type of information displayed.
You can find this within the “Add Elements” section. As it’s the Radio.co embed code you’ll be using, the below options are the ones you’ll want.
This will open up a pop up box where you’ll need to paste the relevant Embed Code. Please note if you get any errors, try adding <p> at the start of the code and </p> at the end of the code. If you have any issues, please get in touch with the Support team by emailing help@radio.co.
Once your player's script is embedded you can publish your site to set the changes live.
Pages & Menu
Heading over to Pages & Menu will allow you to start working on specific pages:
Site Design
Within the “Site Design” section you’ll be able to change the theme or individual colours of specific sections:
Publishing the Website:
Once happy with the design, click on the Preview option first to see exactly how the website will be shown once published.
Clicking on "Publish" will publish the website, making it Live.
If you have any issues or questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Radio.co Support team at help@radio.co!