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Broadcast Zoom calls to your radio station, the better alternative to Skype.

James B avatar
Written by James B
Updated over a week ago

NOTE: This help guide was prepared by and is for reference only. We advise to check the developer’s help resources for more in depth support with their software.

Zoom is the most popular video conferencing software out there. Since lockdowns began companies have been using it to keep communication simple and efficient. There have even been people creating new content with Zoom.

Zoom allows you to create multiple ‘rooms’ where separate people can talk, with a video link to keep things casual.

Zoom in action.

Zoom’s free plan only allows 40 minutes per call, which can be limiting. Zoom’s Pro plan, which gives you up to 30 hours, is more flexible for broadcasters.

What You Need to Broadcast Zoom Calls

If you’ve got a usable radio setup, you’ll have most of what you need already, like a computer, stable internet connection and microphone. You’ll also need:

Broadcast Zoom Calls to Your Radio Station

Start by going into your Zoom app and accessing the settings in the top right corner. Select Audio and change the Microphone to your USB mic or Audio Interface. Hit Test Mic to make sure your microphone gets picked up. Change Speaker to your interface or headphones to monitor the audio.

Zoom audio settings.

Open Audio Hijack, start a new session and place an Application block. Choose Zoom as the application Audio Hijack will take the audio from.

Setting up a block for Zoom in Audio Hijack.

Click the application block and dip into the advanced settings. Make sure that Include Audio Input and Split Between Channels are ticked. This will split Zooms audio so both sides of the call broadcast through different channels. Without this, Audio Hijack will only broadcast your side of the call.

Zoom audio settings in Audio Hijack.

Add Peak/RMS Meter, Broadcast and Output Device blocks to your session. Include a Recorder block if you want to have a copy of the audio afterwards.

Configuring audio block setup in Audio Hijack.

In Broadcast, fill in your metadata and under Setup include your Server Address, Port and Password. These can be found in the top right corner of your Dashboard.

Audio Hijack radio stream settings.

Now you’re setup. When you start a new Zoom meeting and broadcast through Audio Hijack, this will go live on your account.

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